Test Standard on Building Materials


Test Items

Test Procedure

Recommended result



Visual inspection

No cracks, no blisters, no particles


Film Thickness

Film thickness meter

25 +/- 3 microns


Color Uniformity

Visual check under a uniform light source. Viewing is done at multiple angles

Color needs to be consistent. Suggested range is 2△E



Hold pencil at 45 degree angle with 2kg force to the film surface  and push forward about 6 mm

More than 7H



Using a 60 degree gloss meter

Within +/- 5 % deviation from the specification


Impact Resistance

Using 16mm diameter round-nose impact tester 18 N-m range, apply a load directly to the coated surface of sufficient force to deform the test sample a minimum of 3mm. Apply tape 20mm wide over area of deformation by pressing down firmly against coating to eliminate voids and air pockets. Sharply pull off tape a right angle to the plane of the surface being tested

No removal of film from substrate


Abrasion Resistance

Using falling sand method, the Abrasion Coefficient shall be calculated according to the below formula:

V = volume of sand used in liters
T = thickness of coating in mils

Abrasion coefficient value shall be 40 minimum


Film Adhesion


11 x 11 cross cut, 2 mm apart. After air blowing, then apply tape test.

No removal of film under the tape


11 x 11 cross cut, 2 mm apart. Immerse sample in distilled water at 38°C for 24 hours. Apply tape test after drying the sample.

No removal of film under the tape


11 x 11 cross cut, 2 mm apart. Immerse the sample in boiling distilled water 99°C to 100°C for 20 minutes. The water shall remain boiling throughout the test. Apply tape test after drying the sample.

No removal of film under the tape


Chemical Resistance

Muriatic Acid

Apply 10 drops of 10% (by volume) solution of muriatic acid (37% commercial grade hydrochloric acid) in tap water and cover it with a watch glass, convex side up. After a 15 min-minute exposure, wash off with running tap water

No blisters, no visual change in appearance

Nitric Acid

Fill an eight-ounce wide-mouth bottle one-half full of nitric acid. Place the test panel completely over the mouth of the bottle painted side down, for 30 minutes. Rinse the sample with tap water, wipe it dry, and measure color change

Not more than 5△E units of color change

Mortar Resistance

Prepare mortar by mixing 75g of building lime and 225g of dry sand. Apply wet pats of mortar about 1300mm2 in area and 12mm in thickness to the coated samples which have been aged at least 24 hours after coating. Expose the test for 24 hours to 100% relative humidity at 38°C

Mortar shall dislodge easily from the coated surface, and any residual shall be removable with a damp cloth or 10% muriatic acid. No loss of film adhesion or visual change in appearance.


Prepare 3% (by weight) solution of detergent, and distilled water. Immerse coated samples in the detergent solution at 38°C for 72 hours. Apply tape test after drying the sample.

No loss of film adhesion or visual change in appearance. No blisters.